The Heavens Declare the Glory of God.

“The heavens tell of the glory of God; And their expanse declares the work of His hands.
 Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge.
 There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard.”

Psalms 19:1-3

Last week I was invited to attend Pan African Koinonia Meeting in Claremont, Georgia. It amazes how technology shortens distances between destinations around the globe. Besides connecting the world at the press of a button, science continues to shed light on God’s creation as we somehow get a hint on the structure and organization of the universe.

This time around, technology thrust me over the skies of the state of Georgia. I could not help but contrast the beauty that I saw as we lifted off the ground and the splendor that engulfed and spread around the airplane. The view below was exotic and picturesque despite some rough edges that revealed diversity in human aesthetics; the skyline around and above was faultless, breathtaking, natural, and splendidly magnificent! 

Our devotion text reminds us that beyond the revelation of science, there is universal evidence in nature about the existence of a purposeful creative God. It announces that the heavens declare the glory of God with the skies proclaiming the handy work of his hands. Nature in all its splendor and elegance points to a signature of a creative designer of creation.

Our perception of this universe determines how we grasp reality. Science with all its numerous benefits should not attempt to persuade us through its blind lenses that life and the stunning heavens above are a product of the blind collision of cosmic atoms. From the glittery expanse of the horizon to the beautiful blooming flower in the springs, creation demonstrates the divine work of a purposeful creative God. 

The statement, “…And their expanse declares the work of His hands,should build our confidence that God created the universe, fill us with amazement and admiration, and inspire us to diligently seek to know and worship the author and finisher of our salvation. God created everything to glorify him. The beautiful expansive heavens should always remind us that we are called to honor and glorify God irrespective of our present circumstances.


Precious Lord.

Thank you for the beauty of your Creation and its numerous and varied benefits, 

Thank you for creating people, water, air, food, shelter, animals, plants, and innovations.

 As I enjoy and relish the joys, anxieties, and pains of this life

Remind me not to forget to honor and glorify you with all that is in me all the days of my life.


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